Starter kit installation guide

Each starter kit has ByteEditor site builder integrated. Install the website template of your choice without pre-requisites. 

Needed Tools

Please install these tools on your device before launching a starter kit.

Visual Studio 2022


SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition 


SQL Server Management Studio 19


Step 1. Install Umbraco

Before installing a starter kit, you must install Umbraco and create a new empty project based on Umbraco CMS. Follow these steps:

1. Go to the Umbraco website.
2. Open the Command Prompt on your device.
3. Copy "dotnet new install Umbraco.Templates" to the Command Prompt and press the [Enter] button on your keyboard.

The latest version of Umbraco Templates is now installed. Next, let's create an empty Umbraco project in Visual Studio.

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Step 2. Create new Umbraco project

To create a new project in Visual Studio, follow these steps:

1. Open Visual Studio 2022.
2. On the start screen, click "Create a new project."
3. Use the search fields or filters to find "Umbraco Project (Umbraco HQ)."
4. Name your new project and choose its location.

Your project is now set up. Next, you'll need to create the database for your project.

Step 3. Create a database

To create a database, open Microsoft SQL Management Studio on your device. 

1. Click on the [Database] button and then select [New Database].
2. Name your database the same as your Umbraco project.

Your database has been created. Now, let's launch our project.

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Need more information?

Contact our team to get support during the installation.

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Step 4. Start the project

To start your Umbraco project, follow these steps:

1. Open Visual Studio 2022 and click on IIS Express to start the project.
2. Wait for the "Install Umbraco" pop-up window to appear. 
3. Fill in your name, email, and password in the provided fields. 
4. Click on the "Change Database" button and select SQL Server. In the Server field, enter "Localhost" and provide the name of your database.
5. Check the authentication checkboxes at the bottom of the pop-up window.
6. Press the "Install" button.

After completing these steps, you will have a website based on Umbraco CMS without any add-ons. In the next step, we will add a starter kit to your project, enabling you to edit the pre-made website using a no-code solution instead of building everything from scratch.

Step 5. Add Starter kit

To add the starter kit to your project, follow these steps:

1. Return to Visual Studio.
2. Click on the "Tools" tab in the top bar.
3. Select "NuGet Package Manager" from the dropdown menu.
4. Choose "Manage NuGet Packages for Solution."
5. In the search field, type "SaaS website starter kit" or "Agency website starter kit" and select the first option from the results.
6. Select the project you want to apply the package to and click the "Install" button.

Once the package is installed, click the [IIS Express] button to run the website.

Congratulations! You can now use the solution immediately on the localhost server. For hosting on a cloud server or your own server, please consult with your developers or contact us.

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Access Admin Panel

To access the admin panel of your website, add /Umbraco to the end of your website's URL. 

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