Set up basic navigation

Ready to present your pages on the website? Let's set up your header and footer together.

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Add A Subheading (8)

Choose the design

The ByteEditor Site Builder offers a range of responsive designs for both the header and footer of your website. You can preview these designs and select the one that suits you best by visiting the Header and Footer tab on the Global Design page.

In addition, you can customize the colors of the header and footer backgrounds, links, and hover effects to achieve a unique look for your website.

You can do this by visiting the Colors tab on the Global Design page. Lastly, you can combine different themes on your website to differentiate content and highlight information you want to share.

Add A Subheading (7)

Set up content

With ByteEditor Site Builder you can customize the Header and Footer of your website using a visual designer on the Settings page. You can choose which pages to include in the navigation elements, dropdowns, and buttons. The block list technology allows you to easily rearrange the order of your pages, so you can experiment with different layouts and see the results in real-time.

Add A Subheading (9)

Check your result

The Header and Footer will be applied automatically to all pages, so you don't need to be concerned about missing anything.

Moreover, if you have highlighted some pages with different color themes, you can examine how they will appear by navigating to the relevant pages using the navigation you have just established.

Need more information?

Contact our team to get support during the installation.